Give your text the second glance with editing and proofreading

Proofreading and editing are a core aspect of every translation project I work on but I also provide those services separately just in case you need a second pair of eyes. I can check your text for consistency, grammar, spelling and use of terminology. If it is a translation, I can also proofread and edit it against the source text.

Language combinations

  • English to German (DE) translations
  • French to German (DE) translations
  • German (DE) content

Give it a second glance

…or a third or a fourth. Language has its rules but we can’t always rely on our judgement alone to produce a flawless text. Our brain creates meaning in everything we read and especially if it is our own text. The second pair of eyes, particularly those trained to spot those elusive mistakes that sometimes sneak in uninvited, is invaluable. Make sure your customers give you a second glance!

If we know a language well, reading happens almost automatically. The very essence of reading requires that we attach meaning to a sequence of letters which form words and which in turn form sentences. Therefore, we tend to overlook mistakes and even stylistic irregularities. Particularly when we are drafting our own texts, we tend to make and miss mistakes that we would spot in a text written by someone else. After all, we know what we want to say and our brain often tricks us into thinking that we have. A professionally trained linguist knows the pitfalls and follows certain strategies that make them vigilant to mistakes even in their own texts.