Other language services offered

Linguistic services are not only confined to translation and interpreting, and neither should your communication be. Depending on your needs, I can provide a selection of other language services.


Good transcripts of your audio and video files safe you time and money. I can provide quick and accurate transcription of different types of audio recordings, interviews and promotional videos, in German and English.

There are various reasons for putting audio content on paper. For once, it is easier and often quicker to work and compare written texts. You need to analyse interviews for your thesis or a presentation? Maybe you are looking for a way to enrich your courses with some audio material and would like to support your students in understanding the content. Maybe you are working on a video and need to assess the quality of the statements. Whatever your needs, linguists have an ear for the subtleties of people’s speech.

Languages offered: German

Keyword research

A website is only as good as the number of people who visit it. Increasing the chances of your website being found in web searches is essential to maintaining and driving the traffic up. Keyword research and localisation help in establishing search trends and finding the right keywords in different languages.

Languages offered: German, English, French

Language Guide/assistant

Several key events invite guests and dignitaries from different parts of the world. Offer your guests the extra hospitality by hosting them in their own language. If you require a German host or assistant for your event, please get in touch as soon as possible, to work out necessary knowledge transfer and training in advance.

Languages offered: German, English

Do you require other language-based services and additional languages not mentioned here? It is always worth checking with me. If I cannot help, I may be able to suggest a colleague who can.