Understand the trends with coding and categorisation

If you have a multi-lingual survey which needs evaluation, I can provide linguistic categorisation, which will allow you to understand the data without the need for translation.

Firstly, I will go through the data to generate categories that the content can be classified into (also called code frame creation). These can be broad or specific depending on how accurately you want to capture the subtle differences in people’s responses.

Secondly, I will sort the content in the appropriate categories, including short/single-word responses or longer open-ended answers (also called coding). Coding can be done according to existing categories generated by you, or a code frame I have created. This allows you to concentrate on the statistical analysis of your surveys and product development.

I can also help if your surveys require translation. Please get in touch with your specific needs and an example of your content.

Languages offered

  • German (including variations spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and others)
  • English (including variations spoken in UK, US, South Africa, Australia and others)
  • French (including variations spoken in France, Canada and others)
  • Russian (as spoken in Russia)

Understand the Trend

Similar to numerical data, linguistic data can be overwhelming if it is presented to you without any structure. Labelling your linguistic data according to defined categories allows you to structure it according to your requirements.

Linguists are not only good at translation. In fact, one of their other major skills is the ability to extract the gist of written information quickly and efficiently. You are evaluating a multilingual survey? Consider bringing experienced linguists on board from the beginning to cover survey translation and response coding.